Flat events taking longer than they should

I have a couple Flat events that acquire 10 exposures in each filter. However sometimes it takes longer than others as it seems to be setting the filter for every exposure in the event even though its the same filter (progress bar at the bottom says “Setting Filter”).
It takes about 10s to “set” the filter. Then other times it just (properly) flies through.

Any ideas what’s going on? This is a SBIG CFW8 and ST8XME.


Unfortunately the CFW8 doesn’t report it’s position. So we have no way of knowing where it is set to. So when we check if the currently set filter is equal to the filter we want to set, this is always false and we set the filter. Which causes the filter wheel to rotate through all of the filters.

We can look at possibly caching the value whenever we set it…but this will mean that if you move the filter outside of SGP then we won’t know about it and will leave it set.


I’m just a bit confused that I’ve had instances where it doesn’t cycle like this.
