I had an interesting event take place with SGP around the period when a meridian flip was to take place.
In a nutshell:
1- An active 5-minute exposure was nearing completion seconds before the ‘Time to Pier Flip’ arrived.
2- The exposure completed and SQP went into a focus routine (refocus is set for every 30 minutes).
During the focus routine (and before the meridian flip was initiated), a small cloud passed by the telescope FOV which caused the focus routine to retry twice before finally completing. By that time the ‘Time to Pier Flip’ displayed a value of -04:00 minutes pass the meridian.
Instead of SGP initiating the flip after focus was completed, it went back to exposing the next frame. I figured I would wait to see if that exposure (5 minutes) would complete but about 2 minutes into the exposure the mount eventually initiated a meridian flip on its own while SGP was still in the exposure phase. Of course, PHD started alerting during that time, but SQP was still exposing.
3- I manually aborted the session to let the scope complete its flip. Afterwards I manually initiated SGP to plate solve and then resumed the session. It ran fine for the remainder of the night.
It appears SGP may need to check when a meridian flip is nearing and to postpone a schedule refocus until the flip.