Having problems with SGP reinstall

My laptop/HD crashed so I had to do a SGP reinstall but SGP for some reason is not behaving as it used to. My current machine is a MSI gaming laptop with 16GB RAM operating under Win7. I have tried to reinstall the software several times but it still refuses to work correctly. I am using a QSI 683 that on my original machine performed flawlessly with SGP but now something is not working on SGP. If I use it with Astrophotography Tools (APT) it works with no problems but not under SGP.

The problem is as follows:

When I try to connect the equipment under SGP using my predefined profile the “connect” buttons are out of the sequencer window and hidden so they cannot be picked for the equipment be linked to SGP. This happens with the last two different SGP releases that I reinstalled trying to make it work. I even tried reinstalling the last original version that worked with my previous laptop but it didn’t work either but with a difference: the connecting buttoms were visible but didn’t change to green when picked to link the equipment.

Any ideas of what is going on with SGP? I am a licensed user.

This reads like the windows scaling issue being reported with some W7 users, see here thread.

Ken and Jared are working on it.

You may find changing your display scaling helps.

blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px #715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:white !important; } Thank you Barry for your prompt answer.I will wait for the fix then. Any idea how soon will this fix be made available?

The issue seems to be specific to windows 7 and using the 125% scaling option. You can try to go to 100% or 150% to see if that resolves the issue. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to duplicate this so it’s been a little difficult tracking down the issue.

No ETA but we’re actively working on it and making some progress.


Closing this thread down as we want to keep these consolidated
