Heart and Soul Nebulae

With all the doom and gloom that is going around, not to mention the crappy weather that keeps hitting the UK shores from the Atlantic, I thought I would try and squeeze out an image to prove that self-isolation can be fun. I have put my QSI CCD away for a while and I’m experimenting with a color APS-C CMOS camera. I used a combination of dual narrowband and IDAS light pollution filters. Processed in PixInsight, I had to separate the color channels, remove the stars with the brilliant StarNet module and re-assemble after processing. The imaging setup was faintly ridiculous, a pier-mounted Paramount MX, with a teeny-weeny William Optics Redcat perched on top. At least their colors matched :slight_smile:
About 10 hours exposure.

best wishes to all - stay safe


That is amazing… they look like they are on fire.

That is very nice Buzz! CMOS (and you) is (are) coming on strong.


That’s stunning.

cheers - the trick was to separate the RGB channels from the color sensor, remove the stars and boost the fainter OIII emissions before recombining and then adding in natural-color stars from a few hours through a Lum filter. If I hadn’t done that, it would be 99% red.

Stunning. Thank you for the inspiration!