Help setting up SGP purchased version


My trial expired and I purchased the last version of SGP but after installing and opening the new file, SGP shows as “Lite” version and not the latest one that I purchased.

Any help would be appreciated!


You should have received an email with instructions on how to activate the license after purchase. If you didn’t receive this please email us at


Hi Jared,

Thank you for reaching out. I did receive the email and I followed the instructions (or so I think).

I clicked the link and got my key which I submitted and was accepted. From there I downloaded the new version but after it opened the new file it said “Lite” which leads me to believe I am dying something wrong.

Let me know your thoughts when you get a chance.

Thanks again,


Hi Jared,

I did receive the email and I followed the instructions up to the point where I need to click on the Help tab and then “register this machine”. I am not seeing the Help tab anywhere on SGP.

Can you point it out to me?


Hi Sebastian,

it hiding in plain sight:


Kind regards,

Hi Horia,

Thank you so much. I was looking in the wrong place :see_no_evil:

Thanks again,
