How do I roll back from vers 4.4 to vers 3.2

This is my first post to the forum so my appologies if this is in the wrong section.

On 12/28/24 I upgraded to a subscription for version to replace my working version 3.2 that used the Ascom 5 platform. I installed the software and Ascom 7 platform and registered it immediately. Now none of my equipment will connect. My Atik 383 ccd and EFW2 filter wheel do not run using Ascom 7. In version 3.2 Ascom 5 was used and all hardware connected fine. I cannot find Atik drivers that run on Ascom 7 platform. The new SEGPro 4.4 is therefore useless to me. Trying to fix the problem I tried uninstalling the new version of SEGPro and the ascom 7 platform as well using the typical windows program removal in control panel and then reinstall of Ascom 5 platform for SEGPro version 3.2. That didn’t work so removed them and tried I reinstalled 4.4 with Ascom 7. I have lost complete connectivity with all my hardware. Fortunately I still have an Old Dell laptop that has version 2.2 of SEGPro on it with the Ascom 5 platform. That functions but it is old USB1 port connectivity and only a Dual Core Pentium processor. The original machine came with Vista for Win as the OS but was upgraded to XP Pro.

To make a long story short, is there anyway to properly remove the Ascom 7.0 platform and SEGPro 4.4 from my preferred machine and to reinsatll the past version of SEGPro 3.2 and Ascom 5.0 on my newer faster laptop that is running WIn 10? Any help will be appreciated.



Before rolling back SGP, I would recommend keeping SGP 4 and uninstall ASCOM 7 and install ASCOM 6.6SP2. I know of a couple of people who had issues with ASCOM 7 and drivers and went back to 6.


Ya… big ASCOM upgrades can be rough sometimes. That said, the ASCOM 7 devs made considerable efforts to ensure backward compatibility with existing drivers.

That said, I cannot speak to the specifics of those Atik drivers…

But, if going forward is not an option, rolling back to older SGPro is not always easy because the structure of sequences and profiles in SGPro 4 is significantly different than that of SGPro 3. In other words any sequence or profile that you may have saved in SGPro 4 is no longer usable by SGPro 3. This does not apply to opening sequences and profile… just saving them.

Other than that, I would recommend a full settings reset:

  • Uninstall All SGPro versions
  • Remove any lingering settings: SGPro will not start
  • Re-install SGPro 3.2

Went to Ascom 6.6 and camera and filter wheel both connect fine. I have issues only with the Gemini controller connecting now.

Thanks MS

Thanks Ken! Installing Ascom 6.6 solved camera and filter wheel connecting. Only Gemini telescope control is an issue now. Seems to be a COM port conflict somewhere. I was running RS232 thru serial port and usb before on COM 3. Now everything is defaulting to com 4 and my device manager says com 3 is in use. Half way there now though. I can use the hand controller on the Gemini for go to and centering but would like it to all talk with SGP.

You may have a ghost usb device that is hidden. Try going into device manager and using the pulldown menu enable hidden devices. Then check all your com ports to see what all is listed. Might be a good idea to unplug all astro devices and delete all associated listings (without deleting the driver) and start fresh after rebooting.

I use a free software tool called USBDeview to view any installed/connected USB devices on your system.(View any installed/connected USB device on your system). It also displays past devices that were assigned to a USB port that you can remove to free up those ports.


Fwiw, if you end up with ASCOM 6, SGPro 4 should be compatible… at present SGPro 4 does NOT require ASCOM 7.

SGP 4 runs fine with the Ascom 6.6 version. Once I straighten out the com port issues with my gemini controller I will be good to go.

Thanks Ken!

I couldn’t get the com port issue resolved, so I finally got the telescope to connect by updating to a more recent Losmandy Telescope for Ascom app.

All is well now with 4.4. Thanks to all for your help!
