How to post your SGPro Astrobin Image

If you’d like to share your SGPro images with the group and you use Astrobin, it’s pretty easy to do:

  • Navigate to your image at
  • Above, your image, click the “Share” button. You will see a dialog like this:

  • From “Sharing Mode”, choose “HTML”, then copy the contents of the “Copy this” text box
  • In the MSS forum, create a new topic using “SGPro Images” as the category
  • In the text area, write some stuff about your image and then past the HTML where you’d like to see the image. This will create a small thumbnail that will serve as a link to your Astrobin image.

Look through this category and you will find several examples of this. Of course, there are several other ways to share your images that have nothing to do with Astrobin… the choice is yours, we’re just glad to see what you’ve got.

Please see this post as an example: Narrowband Rosette Mosaic - SGPro Images - Main Sequence Software