I confess that I don't know what to do anymore

Hello dear gentlemen of the SGP development team.

I confess that I don’t know what to do anymore to make SGP work on a quieter 4c mini PC (the funny thing is that it works on one mini PC and not on another). I’ll explain myself.

Thinking that the problem could be in the Mini PC itself, I proceeded to format it, do a clean installation of Windows 11, ASCOM driver version (official page), original drivers for all my components (Zwo camera, Pegasus powerbox (unity) Pegasus falcon rotator v2 (unity) Eqmod and any other driver that makes up my equipment, I also proceeded to install the stable 64 version of SGP.

In this way I made sure that there were no strange errors in the Windows regedit or in any driver that could cause any incompatibility.

As I say, I install with the default options in SGP and proceed to configure my equipment profile, finish configuring it and save the changes and close the program.

When I call up SGP again, I get the first error message that tells me that the created profile has been partially loaded (something I will never understand… is it not reading correctly where it is? Is it not having enough time to read? ? ) and what’s more, I look in Windows 11 users/user/appdata/local/sequence generator pro and I see that there is a folder called sequence generator pro and within this another folder with the same name where the profile is located (in my case test) and some files with BAK extension (backup).

I close sgp in case it could have been a false start and the same error appears again so I try to reconfigure the profile and I get this second error that I offer in the capture.

I’m sorry, I confess, I declare myself unable to make SGP work on that machine, there is a poltergeist that prevents it from working and I have declared it as cursed.

I can’t blame Windows 11 because it’s new, I can’t blame the ASCOM platform because it’s virgin, nor the drivers because they are the official ones, so the only thing left for me is to give up using sgp with this computer

As you can see, English is not my native language and I have to use translations like Google’s to explain myself.

You’ll need to provide a link to the log file when the error occurred. There’s not much Ken can do without the log.