Lagoon Nebula


Another image from Lockleys Observatory B, Tanunda, South Australia.

About 15 hours total for HaLRGB.

Thanks for taking a peek.

Click on the image for a larger view.

Telescope: William Optics FLT132

Camera: QHY9 Mono @ -20c

Filter Wheel: QHY 7 position Ultra Slim

Filters: QHY 36mm unmounted L R G B, Baader 36mm unmounted HA OIII SII

Guidng: QHY OAG

Guide Camera: QHY5L-II

Mount: AZ-EQ6

Mount Control: EQASCOM

Focusing: SharpSky Pro and Sequence Generator Pro 3 (automated)

Capture Software: Sequence Generator Pro 3

Guiding Software: PHD2

Calibration and Stacking Software: PixInsight

Processing Software: PixInsight

Number and Type of Data Frames: L= 32X10min, R= 18x7min, G= 18x7min,
B= 18x7min

Ha= 12x15min, SII= x min, OIII= x min.

Binning: 1x1

Total Image Time: 14.63 hrs

Location: Lockleys Observatory B, Tanunda, Sth Australia

Light Box by Exfso

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