Latest Beta - missing check boxes

Just tried the latest Beta (today - Jan26th) and found a few problems.

No check boxes for “Open Shutter First” and “Park Mount First”.
Also noted that the “Slave to Telescope” switch in the module does not function. (I use this switch sometimes - in older versions - to do some checking on guiding for example, while not actually in a sequence. So for me this switch is important and the reason that I have switched back (immediately) to 4.4.1.x version.

Thanks for the report… that was a very odd bug. Never seen a checkbox render without a box before. Still not sure why… just made new and destroyed the old and seems ok now. Will release a new build today.

Thanks for getting that sorted very quickly. The 2nd item in my last post remains …that is…in the Observatory module…the “Slave to Telescope” does not function as a switch, but does show the Obs slaved condition when the switch is operated via the Control Panel / Observatory window. (I have not tried to turn “Slave off” via the module…but can do some tests if you wish…

I’m not 100% following the issue with slave to telescope. Is it that you want to create the slave link outside of a sequence and it’s not working or something else?

Exactly that Ken. There are times one might do tests or otherwise outside of a sequence. The control panel is not always open on my SGP desktop but the modules for the controls that I frequently use outside of a sequence are always visible to me. Hence, if I move the scope (to a new target or whatever) and want to take a shot (frame and focus) or perhaps test the guiding - then I would normally slave the Observatory via the switch in the module visible on the desktop.
It is no great hardship to open the control panel…go to Observatory page…and slave from there…but since the module has a switch…I am guessing that should function also. It did in previous versions…but not now.

Just to add to the above (if it is of any help): I cannot say when the change actually occurred. I just know that the switch in the module worked in SGPO which I was using until very recently but did not work in the first 4.5 Beta that I tried…

Oh, OK, I see now. That was indeed broken and has been foxed. Thx for the report.

Just now tried build 1498…does not appear to be fixed as per a very quick test. (Unpark mount and try slave the Obs via the switch in the module). had to use the switch in Control Panel/Observatory to make it happen.

This fix didn’t quite make the cut for last release. It will be in today’s though.

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