I have a question regarding the way SGPro interfaces to the local Astrometry.net, specifically the image scale passed to the solve-field utility.
In the Target Settings/Reference Data frame I ‘Browse’ to an image I took of M45 with my QSI690, 1x1 binning. RA/Dec hints are correctly shown, with image scale shown as 1.692, as extracted from the FITS headers.
I now click ‘Solve’ and view the ansvr log file.
The ansvr log shows that solve-field is called with an estimated pixel scale of 4.77143 rather than 1.692. I’ve left ansvr scale error blank in the ansvr config tool so that it defaults to 100% which gives rise to ‘-L 0 -H 9.5428’:
[2015-01-04 23:03:32] POST /api/upload/ HTTP/1.1
[2015-01-04 23:03:32] request_json is: {“session”:“87”,“allow_commercial_use”:"d
[2015-01-04 23:03:32] UPLOAD: session is 87
[2015-01-04 23:03:33] POST /api/submissions/87 HTTP/1.1
scale_args: -u arcsecperpix -L 0 -H 9.54286666666667
UPLOAD: /opt/ansvr/run_solver 600 /usr/bin/solve-field -p -O -U none -B none -R
none -M none -N none -C cancel --crpix-center --sigma 70 -r --objs 100 -u arcs
ecperpix -L 0 -H 9.54286666666667 stars.fit
Using timeout = 600
exec /usr/bin/solve-field -p -O -U none -B none -R none -M none -N none -C cance
l --crpix-center --sigma 70 -r --objs 100 -u arcsecperpix -L 0 -H 9.542866666666
67 stars.fit
So, shouldn’t SGPro be sending the actual pixel scale to ansvr rather than an estimate?
Thanks for any advice!