Meridian Flip alignement problem

I have this problem that I can’t solve…
Every time he runs the merifdian fli then the images don’t match, I tried two plate solves but that’s not the cause.
It’s not the conical error, I practically don’t have any…
I don’t have a rotator.
What could it be?
Thanks to whoever can help me

Link for example: Link image example


A wild guess would be that your camera’s nose piece is not snug against the camera and a meridian flip is causing the camera to slip / rotate.


I can’t see anything moving…
But if the optical train moved, collimation or focus would also get worse, right?
The images are perfect.
I don’t understand what it could be…sob… :sob:


Can you watch the camera during the meridian flip? If so, you might see it or something else moving. If you don’t have a rotator but the image rotates, then something is loose.
