I have noticed a minor display issue with the big status window. Once you hit 100 or more frames captured, the number covers the percent complete display. I am running SGPro on Windows 10 version 1607 build 14393.1066 x64. I am not using display scaling but I am connecting through an RDP session. This is obviously a very minor bug, but thought I should make mention of it in case no one else had reported it.
The same text overlap persists on my small Lenovo Thinkpad 11e screen in SGP Beta.
You could reduce the font size a little on the big fields and move the frame count a bit to the left.
You may also consider adding the time to meridian flip on the Big Status, which would be very useful to me.
Mark W
I brought that up maybe a year ago. I havent see any traction on fixing that. I would also like to be able to resize that image history window while we are at it.