New File Name Identifier - Update?

It looks like someone requested this back in 2016, but I saw no replies to it, so forgive me but I will ask again.

Here’s what would be nice - a sequence number for each frame over the session - regardless of nights run. The sequence number would be able to be seeded by the user at the start of the session and be incremented by SGPro at the point a frame is saved. That way, there’s no way a duplicate frame name could be created. I run the same session for a target multiple nights and it would be helpful to track the total number of frames created for a target, regardless of whether I move a particular night’s frames into a separate subfolder after a night is done. I could track flats easier via a range of frame numbers as well.

Here’s the link to the original request:

I like the %sq identifier as well.

Please advise if you need additional details.


I know it’s not exactly what you are after, in a sense, you can already “seed” the frame number by adjusting the number of completed frames for the event (manually)

Thanks Ken - I will do that then.


So, what about a sequence file name key? :smiley:

That will be in the next beta release as %sq

Wonderful - thanks!

This is great!
It will be very usefull for the use the new version of Pixinsight WBPP in order to gather dark flats, flats and lights within a same key-word and sequence number. Will it be possible to define manually this number in order to link lights from different nights to the same flats, dark flats… ?
Best regards