Odd results in Alt/Az calculations

Log file is here: Dropbox - File Deleted

My location is ~41N, 72W, and when I tried to slew and center on Deneb, which is actually near the zenith, SGP was telling me that it was 3 degrees below the horizon (alt of -3 deg). I checked my location multiple times, and restarted SGP, but got the same results.

Any idea what’s going on here?

Sounds like your mount doesn’t know where it is. How did you sync with the sky (align)?

My alignment was a Starsense Autoalign, and it was working well; my GOTOs from CPWI were within 5 arc-min or so. That’s why I was so confused by what I was seeing in SGP. I had just upgraded to the latest SGPRO, too.

Figured it out: I was set for East longitude rather than West. Is there a way of getting SGP to pull my location from the mount? It has GPS, so wouldn’t be subject to that kind of error.

Yes, from within the user profile that you are using with the sequence, there is a button to import the location from the mount:
