Orion Starshoot G3 camera compatibility

The SGPro as of now does not seem to have compatibility with Orion make StarShoot G3 CCD Camera. I have already ordered this camera few days ago in AMAZON and expected to receive it shortly. Can anybody suggest/guide if at all this camera is compatible with SGPro? If not what can be done to use this camera along with SGPro? Thanks in advance.

R.L. Sarma
Digboi, Assam, India


In theory, because the camera comes with an ASCOM driver, SGPro should work just fine with it. That said, I seem to recall somebody having trouble with one in the past. If I can find it, I’ll post it here.

Thank you so much, Ken. Let me check the camera if it works in SGPro with ASCOM driver. I am waiting to receive the camera and as soon as I receive it, I’ll check and will revert with my findings.

I have received my Orion G3 color CCD Camera day before yesterday. I also have upgraded SG Pro to beta version To my delight, this has an option of selecting G3 as a camera. I tried my camera and it has nicely worked. Now it is my turn to take few photographs with this camera using SG Pro. Thanks Ken. you are really very helpful.

Digboi, Assam, India