I had an interesting problem yesterday evening.
I had set up Imaging and guiding using PHD2. Everything was fine.
Then I did a meridian flip. Guiding failed at this point because I hadn’t got PHD set up correctly to handle the meridian flip. The Sequence failed to resume.
I did a new calibration in PHD2 and resumed the Sequence. Now I’m getting a long delay before each image acquisition starts because SGP was waiting for the guider to settle. the guider seems fine. Trying to change the settle limits had no effect but eventually I set the guiding to none and that stopped it waiting.
Here is a log fragment before the flip showing the settle check working.
[12/8/2015 10:00:41 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] PHD2 GetPhdStatus - Post-Wait: Guiding
[12/8/2015 10:00:41 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Waiting for Auto Guider distance to fall below 1
[12/8/2015 10:00:41 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] PHD2 distance request…
[12/8/2015 10:00:41 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] PHD2 distance request returned 0.1…
[12/8/2015 10:00:41 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Distance is below 1, starting timer…
[12/8/2015 10:00:41 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] PHD2 distance request…
[12/8/2015 10:00:41 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] PHD2 distance request returned 0.1…
[12/8/2015 10:00:41 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Distance stayed below 1 for 0 seconds, done settling…
[12/8/2015 10:00:41 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Auto guider has settled…
And here is a log fragment afterwards…
[12/8/2015 11:01:46 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] PHD2 GetPhdStatus - Post-Wait: Guiding
[12/8/2015 11:01:46 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Waiting for Auto Guider distance to fall below 1
[12/8/2015 11:01:46 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] PHD2 distance request…
[12/8/2015 11:01:46 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] PHD2 distance request returned 0.1…
[12/8/2015 11:01:46 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Distance is below 1, starting timer…
[12/8/2015 11:01:47 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] PHD2 distance request…
[12/8/2015 11:01:47 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] PHD2 distance request returned 0.1…
[12/8/2015 11:01:47 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Distance stayed below 1 for 0 seconds, done settling…
[12/8/2015 11:01:47 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SGPro settle criteria have been met, but the guider reports it is not ready to resume, waiting…
[12/8/2015 11:03:15 PM] [DEBUG] [PHD2 Startup Thread] PHD2: PHD2 is already open…
[12/8/2015 11:04:47 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Guider did not report settle done within 3 minutes, something might be wrong, continuing sequence…
[12/8/2015 11:04:47 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Auto guider has settled…
The corresponding PHD2 log file fragment is:
23:01:46.610 00.984 10656 evsrv: cli 054E0AC0 request: {“method”:“get_app_state”,“id”:1001}
23:01:46.610 00.000 10656 case statement mapped state 6 to 3
23:01:46.610 00.000 10656 evsrv: cli 054E0AC0 response: {“jsonrpc”:“2.0”,“result”:“Guiding”,“id”:1001}
23:01:46.715 00.105 10656 evsrv: cli 054E0AC0 request: {“method”:“get_app_state”,“id”:1001}
23:01:46.715 00.000 10656 case statement mapped state 6 to 3
23:01:46.715 00.000 10656 evsrv: cli 054E0AC0 response: {“jsonrpc”:“2.0”,“result”:“Guiding”,“id”:1001}
23:01:49.099 02.384 9588 Exposure complete
23:01:49.121 00.022 9588 worker thread done servicing request
23:01:49.121 00.000 10656 Processing an image
23:01:49.121 00.000 10656 UpdateGuideState(): m_state=6
23:01:49.122 00.001 10656 Star::Find(30, 197, 193, 0, (0,0,0,0))
23:01:49.122 00.000 10656 Star::Find returns 1 (0), X=197.07, Y=193.24, Mass=510752, SNR=41.8
23:01:49.122 00.000 10656 SchedulePrimaryMove(05540BA8, x=0.10, y=0.02, type=1)
23:01:49.122 00.000 10656 Enqueuing Move request for scope (0.10, 0.02)
23:01:49.123 00.001 9588 Worker thread wakes up
23:01:49.123 00.000 10656 Status Line 0: m=510752 SNR=41.8
23:01:49.123 00.000 9588 worker thread servicing REQUEST_MOVE scope dir 0 (0.10, 0.02)
23:01:49.123 00.000 9588 Handling move in thread for scope dir=0
23:01:49.123 00.000 9588 endpoint = (0.10, 0.02)
23:01:49.124 00.001 9588 CameraToMount – cameraTheta (0.18) - m_xAngle (-1.48) = xAngle (1.66 = 1.66)
23:01:49.124 00.000 10656 UpdateImageDisplay: Size=(376,291) min=649, max=59184, FiltMin=842, FiltMax=28977
23:01:49.124 00.000 9588 CameraToMount – cameraTheta (0.18) - (m_xAngle (-1.48) + m_yAngleError (2.98)) = yAngle (-1.32 = -1.32)
23:01:49.124 00.000 9588 CameraToMount – cameraX=0.10 cameraY=0.02 hyp=0.10 cameraTheta=0.18 mountX=-0.01 mountY=-0.10, mountTheta=-1.66
23:01:49.124 00.000 9588 Moving (0.10, 0.02) raw xDistance=-0.01 yDistance=-0.10
23:01:49.125 00.001 9588 GuideAlgorithmHysteresis::Result() returns 0.00 from input -0.01
23:01:49.125 00.000 9588 GuideAlgorithmResistSwitch::Result() returns -0.10 from input -0.10
23:01:49.125 00.000 9588 Move(2, 0, 1)
23:01:49.125 00.000 9588 Move returns status 0, amount 0
23:01:49.125 00.000 9588 Move(0, 83, 1)
23:01:49.142 00.017 10656 UpdateGuideState exits: m=510752 SNR=41.8
23:01:49.142 00.000 10656 OnExposeCompete: CaptureActive=1 m_continueCapturing=1
23:01:49.142 00.000 10656 ScheduleExposure(2000,3,1) exposurePending=0
23:01:49.142 00.000 10656 Enqueuing Expose request
23:01:49.210 00.068 9588 Move returns status 0, amount 83
23:01:49.210 00.000 9588 Status Line 1: North 0.07 px 83 ms
23:01:49.211 00.001 9588 North 0.07 px 83 ms
23:01:49.213 00.002 9588 move complete, result=0
PHD2 2.5.0dev5
I’m being pretty cavalier with these applications but I wonder if I’ve found some sort of hole. PHD2 was guiding correctly and seems to be reporting some sort of status back to SGP, not sure why it isn’t OK for SGP to continue…