Plate Solve Overflow Run-time 6


I have seen a few people report this error, but no clear solution.
I have gathered something that maybe be repeatable enough to help. Typically the images that crashed PSolve can be solved fine when doing a manual solve (right click on image), but that depends on the image scale I select. For instance it works consistently with 1.5, while it always fails with 3 (the actual image scale is around 3.28).

Screenshot of the error

The FITS file (A bit of trailing but PSolve detects the stars fine):

The log:

The issue arises around 23:50, and SGPro is on hold until 6:20 when I manually close the error message. In the meantime my mount continued tracking and hit the limit. I tried several manual solve with the same image after 6:20 with various success depending on the image scale I set.

If anything it would be good if SGPro can set a watchdog on PSolve and kill it if it appears to take to long, then try a recovery.

Thanks for the help


Take a look at the following link, haven’t the time to check out the 2 links but it might help you out:


Thanks, I’ll try a re-install of plate solve 2