Here’s my equipment and software:
Windows 7 Home Premium on a bootcamped macbook, SGP, Licensed Pinpoint
Atik 314L+, Nautilus Filter Wheel, Stellarvue 80mm apo, CGEM mount
Here’s a link to my last log file:
Ok, this has always been my workflow when starting imagine:
- setup mount & telescope for visual and run 2+4 star alignment (CGEM), then polar alignment, then center on bright star for focusing camera
- install camera/filter wheel assembly and connect all cables
- start up stellarium scope, then stellarium
- start up SGP and connect camera, filter wheel and mount, then focus camera
- framing wizard to compose image, then Center Now in Target Settings
Plate solving has always just worked, and worked well. But not last night. My workflow above is what I always do, but since it was supposed to be clear several nights in a row, I thought I would bring in my OTA and gear, but leave the mount setup since it’s polar aligned. Then all I had to do last night was add the OTA and camera stuff and start.
So I added my OTA and camera gear, then connected everything to SGP, tried to plate solve and it kept failing over and over. I can’t remember the error message, but it said that it didn’t recognize the stars. It was the exact same setup I always use.
One thing that happened two nights ago… I did edit my equipment profiles last weekend, adding new ones and changing the names of the original because I got a new OTA, but I was using my original equipment profile for the last two nights. So when I opened SGP and the starting sequence came up, the fields that are normally pre-populated with my camera, filter wheel and mount were empty. I had to manually select them again. Then in the framing and mosaic the camera details were gone, like pixels and scale. Those were always pre-populated before I changed my profiles.
I closed and restarted SGP and then everything was in there, but now my plate solving won’t work.
Any ideas? I’m not sure what happened. I’ll try again tonight, but I’m not sure what to try.