I am using Pinpoint with that Catalog on my 9.25 Edge HD and I get an immediate fail to a blind solve failover. I have tried exposures from 5,10.15.20 seconds.
Focus is good and I have .38px set with my QSI583.
It seems like it is not even trying.
Ran the catalog checker and it indicated all good.??
Will do,
I am still struggling with PHD, I will have logs tomorrow, still trying to image.
I made it through almost 4 events tonite of 8 two minute exposures before the camera became unresponsive, again.
Restarted and resuming sequence.
Can you verify your catalog is set properly? The log (at least initially), indicates it is set to nothing. Can you pate what you are pointed at in a response here?
I was on M101. Initially I had no Cat selected, then I pointed it to the USNO folder on my C: drive.
I generally slew to first and then center.
I did not save the fits file that I was trying to solve. I do remember that it did come up on the screen un stretched. After the immediate fail I am pretty sure I went back and reset plate solving to do the failover and on the next occurrence, it blind solved very quickly.