Downloaded and install SGP trial successfully. I like it and most features work fine
I am using using Canon 60da and eqmod ascom eq6 telescope connection
I enter the image link from Astrobin then insert hints then ‘Solve’ and successfully solved
Then I try ‘centre now’ feature and process starts and then I get an error message ‘Runtime Error 6’
You suggest above that I have passed bad hint to the solver, which camera tab are you referring to ?
I’ve checked again the hints and other relevant details for the object as seen in this screen shot, I first pressed the ‘Solve’ button which successfully populated all the details as shown below
So i’m not sure what wrong parameters have been sent to the solver. Also why does the program presents a general ‘Runtime error’ and not a more specific error ?
Is there a fix for this problem ?. I would really appreciate if you can explain and / or suggest a solution
I will insert the details in the Settings and Specs and look forward for the next opportunity to be out testing the auto centering which is really one important feature i would like it to work
I’m also having the other know issue with Canon 60d settle time>0 which causes the sequencer to only take 1 seconds exposures irrespective of the time setup