Polar Alignement

Is there a polar alignement tool in SQP?

No there is not. I believe it’s in the works though.

It is “in progress”, but currently on hold as we have prioritized the multitude of smaller fixes / requests and small features above polar alignment. Polar alignment will require a lot of time and effort and we can’t do it in conjunction with both support and the SGPro 4.5 maintenance release.

Here is a quick screenshot of it:

SGPro 4.4 Backlog - Our Thoughts and Request for Community Input - Sequence Generator - Main Sequence Software (sequencegeneratorpro.com)

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Can you give us a timeline please.


Why not use PHD2 drift alignment? Doesn’t need SGP.


I do, but it’s very time consuming. Polar alignment has already been incorporated in several other apps.