Problems connecting Nikon D800


I have a problem connecting my Nikon D800 to Sequence Generator Pro ver running on a Windows 10 PC.
My problem is equivalent to what was described in another post on D800 back in 2014: SGP accepts the camera and signals that it is connected but does not communicate with the camera, i.e. does not change any settings or does not activate the shutter when using “Take one” on the “Frame and Focus” panel. If I press “Stop” when having started “Take one” SGP indicates that a picture is downloaded, but nothing is actually downloaded from the camera.

I can run the camera flawlessly with other remote control programs, such as DigiCam Control, so the camera, USB cable etc. interworks without problems with my computer.

Is this a known problem and is there any remedy?

Yours sincerely,
Rolf Johansson
Huddinge, Sweden