There are a few things going on in this thread now…
The Original Failure
@Andy I have not done any testing with dev7, but this is the first time I have seen this:
[11/29/2015 10:20:56 PM] [DEBUG] [PHD2 Listener Thread] Could not process PHD2 input: “{“Event”:“SettleDone”,“Timestamp”:1448853656.823,“Host”:“HOMEPC”,“Inst”:1,“Status”:0}{“Event”:“GuideStep”,“Timestamp”:1448853656.824,“Host”:“HOMEPC”,“Inst”:1,“Frame”:3,“Time”:9.530,“Mount”:“Driver for telescope connected through TheSky”,“dx”:0.071,“dy”:0.112,“RADistanceRaw”:-0.127,“DECDistanceRaw”:-0.040,“RADistanceGuide”:0.000,“DECDistanceGuide”:0.000,“StarMass”:95948,“SNR”:37.65,“AvgDist”:0.08}” : Additional text encountered after finished reading JSON content: {. Path ‘’, line 1, position 85.
Notice that the settle done event is caught up in this mess… the JSON is not malformed here but the deserializer seems to be choking on the fact that multiple roots are issued in the same message… I just know I have not seen this behavior prior to now. Any idea what changed here?
Asking PHD2 to Re-calibrate
Right now, this is by design… Maybe not a good design and maybe recovery could be smarter. A bunch of of your settles failed because of the error above. The logic is that something went bad after movement of the mount. We don’t know which side of the pier you are on any longer and we don’t know if your calibration data is backwards… because we don’t know this, when failure occurs after mount movement, we issue a command to re-calibrate.
The Notification Module
We have not tested with AOL so I can’t say we support it. Luckily, there is an easy way around this. Go get a free gmail account and use that account to populate only the bottom portion of the settings dialog (it will be used only to send messages). The top part (where you add addresses) will still have your AOL stuff.