Question about FITS keyword 'FLIPPED'

The FITS headers of the images with my cameras (Canon EOS 600D, ASI294MC and ASI071MC) that are captured with SGP contain the FITS keyword ‘FLIPPED’. They always show as

Value: F
Comment: Is image Flipped

and the images are true-sided.

I have the following questions:

  • FLIPPED is not a standard FITS keyword, and it is not mentioned in the SGP manual as well. I would like to know, which software creates this keyword: the camera driver or SGP?
  • A peer encounters that his images come out mirrored and the FLIPPED keyword is set to “T”. How can he achieve that the FITS file will be not mirrored?


Additional note: I use PlateSolve2 within SGP. Is the ‘FLIPPED’ keyword created by the plate solving software?


By now I found the following thread: "Center here” is OK in DEC; Flipped for RA

So I conclude that the plate solving software is detecting whether the image is mirrored or not. SGP then creates the FITS keyword ‘FLIPPED’ and sets it to “T” if the image is mirrored, or to “F” if not. The image data are passed unaltered (as they come from the camera) by SGP.

Is this the approach used in SGP? Please correct me if I’m wrong or confirm.
