Questions about ASTAP Plate Solve Setup

That really doesn’t make sense, it should NOT start with a folder that is nothing. And when I was doing frame & focus, it didn’t display any warning messages that it didn’t have a valid path defined even though I’ve always selected the ‘Save to disk’ check-box. So, I believed it has been saving all of my frame and focus attempts only to find out that it hasn’t. Not a good UI experience. But I reset it to a valid folder now. I will capture some frame & focus images the next time I’m out, probably tomorrow night. I will also checkout the PS2 help file info. Do you recommend that I try PS2 vs ASTAP? Again, I have no experience with any of this yet. And I just spent a week at Cherry Springs PA with absolutely NO LUCK getting ASTAP to work at all. I need to get something working so I can gain some confidence with SGP.

If you have not set your default images directory, it looks like SGP defaults to the root drive (probably C:). Look there for a folder “FrameAndFocus”

You don’t have to put anything there, it can be left blank. And SGP does not ask you to fill that in when you install it. If there’s nothing there, SGP simply defaults your images (including saved frame and focus images) to the C: drive. SGP creates a folder with whatever your target name is, or with FrameAndFocus if you are saving frame and focus images.

Ok. I did find the Frame and Focus sub-directory under C:. Unfortunately it just had a bunch of test files I used while I was playing with focusing during the day. I thought I had clicked the ‘Save to disk’ check-box at all times but I was wrong. I’ll get some images as soon as I can.

I downloaded the libraries for PS2 and am trying to set the paths for where I placed the libraries using Configure Catalog Directories. But each time I set the correct path and get out of that dialog, it resets it to something else. Any idea why it’s doing that and how I can get it to stop it?

It wants to put the APM path to *C:\Users\clyon\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\APM* but the installation was done to C:\Program Files (x86)\Starry Ridge\APM. And it wants to put the UCAC3 path to *C:\Users\clyon\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\UCAC3PS* but I want it at C:\SGP\Data\UCAC3. Each time I set it to my path names, it just resets it to the ones it wants. Are the ending \ required?

Never mind, I got my libraries to stick.