Remove Flat Box, Bug?

Not sure if this is a bug or am I’m doing something wrong? If I have the “Prompt to place flat box” checked in the Flat box Control panel, every time I take a Frame and Focus image it prompts me to “Remove the flat box”. I would think it should ignore the flat box unless flats are being taken. This has been happening for a very long time. My work around has been to just keep the “Prompt to place flat box” unchecked until I decide to take the flats.

I haven’t reported this issue thinking it is something I’m doing wrong and since no one has reported this issue thought I would at least ask. Is this a bug?


Yes, it should only be prompting when the frame types are changing. I’ll look into addressing this.


Hi Jared,
Was this bug fixed in the latest released?


Sorry for not getting back to you on this. I’m not actually able to duplicate the bug. When using frame and focus with the Manual Flat Box everything seems to work ok same with our internal Simulator. So for every frame and focus image you’re being prompted? Maybe duplicate this and attach a log and I can look to see if anything stands out.

Also I assume you’re on the latest SGP?

Thank you,

Hi Jared,

I was unable to upload the log file via SGPro. SGPro does not list the issue report in the drop down and when I type in the issue name and try to send it SGPro reports it can’t create a new issue report. I also can’t attach the log file here either. I’ll need to email you the log file?

In the log file I took “Frame and Focus” with and without the “Prompt to place flat box” checked and unchecked in the control panel under the “Flat Box” heading. Each time I have the “Prompt to place flat box” checked and take a frame and focus image the “Remove flat box. Click OK to continue.” popup appears. Once I click the “OK” it takes the frame and Focus image.

One other note In the equipement profile for the Flat box name I use the “Alnitak Fat Box”. I’m not sure if this was the flat box you were using when you did your testing but the issue might have something to do with using the Alnitak flat box.

Let me know how you want me to send the log file.

You can email it to

Thank you,

Hi Jared,

Not sure if you had time to look at the log file I sent yesterday, but wanted to let you know I did send it to the email address you supplied.


I received it. Have not had a chance to look over it yet.
