SBIG 8300 OSC Imager

I finally got my SBIG 8300 unit to run with SGP BUT the temperature control is not working properly. I set it for 10 degree C from a then current value of 18 degree C. It blows by the 10 degree limit down to 0 to 10 degrees with no sign of stopping. However, when I shut off the temp button is settles back to 18 degrees. Diff Limited sent me a link to the updated drivers for this camera and I had also updated the ASCOM software as well. I can run sequences but as noted above, no temp control. On shutting down the program, a window flashes by quickly alluding to a temp control driver but it does not linger long enough for me to read it. Without temp control, SGP is useless to me. Thanks

I have no answer for you temp issue but one thing you can try to read the message is use a camera to record the screen as you shut down the program. You can then pause the video and should be able to read the message.