Selecting SBIG AC4040 Readout Modes

The SBIG AC4040 camera allows several readout modes - HDR, High Gain, Low Gain, and High Gain Stack Pro.

Does SGP have a way to select these modes? If it’s there, I just don’t see it.

Jim Seargeant

In all honesty I am not certain, but, if you have access to the camera, it is easy enough to check. If you’re asking in terms of general support… it depends…

This camera uses an ASCOM driver and SGPro absolutely has full support for ASCOM exposed gain and offset settings. That said, these are optional parts of the ASCOM contract and there is no guarantee they are implemented outside of the native driver.

If you have the camera, simply connect it and then open the Control Panel and go to the camera tab. You will see a group of “per binning” gain and offset controls. Simply click the drop down for gain and see what options are present. Whatever is in that dropdown is provided by and is specific to that particular camera.