Sequence Generator Pro 2.4 Update

Hi folks,

Just a quick update and reminder for SGPro 2.4 Beta. Our private beta is going pretty well… unfortunately our test group has been subject to some nasty weather that has been slowing down the last few things we are after validating. We will likely have a fairly stable public beta out in a couple weeks. Between now and then, I will release a far more comprehensive list of the changes you can expect.

On the reminder front… SGPro 2.4 will discontinue support for PHD1. If you have not already, I highly suggest that you download and familiarize yourself with PHD2. If you were a PHD1 user, the learning curve will be very small. PHD2 makes enhancements to its venerable predecessor in so many ways, I cannot begin to list them all here.

Specifically, SGPro 2.4 will require PHD2 2.3.1k or better to function (coincidentally, PHD2 will likely also be on the 2.4 release by the time SGPro is ready to release).

For more information and to download, please go here:
To download the required (unreleased) version of PHD2 (

there are some news about 2.4 public beta? Or a changelog? Thank you! :slight_smile: