Sequence Generator Pro (BETA) is Released for Test

Sequence Generator Pro (BETA) (32-bit and 64-bit) is Released for Test

Hello! Welcome to the 4.X beta for SGPro. As always, we aim to ensure that even our betas are stable, but please know that we do find bugs during this process.

You can find it here:

Sequence Generator


  • Fairly significant overhaul of the processes used to persist data to disk. This should translate to a significant reduction in the possibility of data corruption to sequences and profiles (and other things too).


  • Fixed a visual issue where moving an event would leave it progress text behind.
  • Fixed an issue where altitude locked start and end times may choose the wrong time when multiple valid times are available.
  • Fixed an issue where an auto focus override filter could appear to be set to a filter, but is actually set to nothing.