Sequence Generator Pro (BETA) is Released for Test

Sequence Generator Pro (BETA) (32-bit and 64-bit) is Released for Test

Hello! Welcome to the 4.X beta for SGPro. As always, we aim to ensure that even our betas are stable, but please know that we do find bugs during this process.

You can find it here:

Sequence Generator


  • On image history graphs, the star count line now uses star shaped markers.


  • Fixed a condition where the number of completed frames might not increment as expected when completed.
  • Fixed several visual issues with image history graphs
  • Fixed theme for color pickers
  • Right clicking the guider status icons now opens the guider settings
  • The new sequence background load progress bar now sizes properly with the sequencer form.
  • The new toolbar buttons now have tooltips.
  • The sequence will now properly defer guider startup to as late as possible. Subsequence targets that require the guider will start it as needed.
  • Themed status bar tooltips and added shortcut tips.
  • When capturing calibration frames due to sequence fail, the guider will not attempt to connect and start guiding.