Sequence Generator Pro is Released for General Use

Sequence Generator Pro (32-bit and 64-bit) is Released for

Hello! Thanks for keeping SGPro up to date. This release on the stable branch is free of charge to owners of SGPro 4. The list below contains a brief description of all feature additions, changes and fixes in this version.

You can find it here:

Sequence Generator


  • Better logging for Flats Calibration Wizard in order to better facilitate support requests for failed runs.


  • For Connect All Equipment, any switch devices required by the sequence will be connected first.


  • Fixed an edge case in the flats calibration wizard where the run might deflect off of a zero length exposure incorrectly and cause the run to fail.
  • Fixed an issue that might cause the Eagle to fail to connect if custom switch labels are used.
  • Fixed some Eagle switch mappings to support Eagle 4
  • More attempts to address SBIG CFW8 compatibility issues.