Sequence Generator Pro is Released for General Use

Sequence Generator Pro (32-bit and 64-bit) is Released for

Hello! Thanks for keeping SGPro up to date. This release on the stable branch is free of charge to owners of SGPro 4. The list below contains a brief description of all feature additions, changes and fixes in this version.

You can find it here:

Sequence Generator


  • A request to force Auto Focus at the next frame can now be canceled by clicking the same button again.


  • A manual Auto Focus run can no longer be requested during end of sequence actions or camera warmup.
  • Fixed an issue where AutoFlats may not open if a previous flat event exists whose parent has been removed.
  • Fixed an issue where flat events that straddle the min exposure limit may not carry a brightness value (and brightness regression would fail).
  • Fixed an issue where the regression fallback method may calculate a predicted brightness in the wrong direction.
  • If a request to force focus on the next frame is never executed because the sequence is aborted, the request will be forcibly canceled.
  • The initial Auto Focus run will no longer be skipped if the first frame in the sequence is non-light.