Sequence Generator Pro (BETA) (32-bit and 64-bit) is Released for Test
Hello! Welcome to the 4.X beta for SGPro. As always, we aim to ensure that even our betas are stable, but please know that we do find bugs during this process.
You can find it here:
Sequence Generator
- Added a new debounce mechanism for AutoFocus to maybe prevent, but more importantly, trace what is happening.
- Added a proper timeout to ASCOM slew operations (so the sequence can fail and shutdown rather than hang)
- Fixed an issue where a closed flatbox shutter would not open in order to take sky flats.
- Fixed an issue where target duplication would not copy over any event-specific scripts to the new target.
- Fixed an issue where the new option to close the flatbox at sequence end was unable to be enabled in the equipment profile manager.