Sequence Window 'Frozen' at end of sequence

Windows 10 - running

First time out this year !!,

While trying trying out the latest version, everything was going great, especially after un-ticking “Re-calibrate auto guider when target changes”, till the end of the session.

By this time Dawn had come, and PHD2 had lost guide star, forcing SGPro to loop through the sequence recovery, so I just initiated sequence abort, with end of sequence events.

After waiting 15 mins for sequence clean-up \ park mount etc. nothing was happening, the Sequence window was ‘greyed-out’ i.e. no control buttons active and bottom corner button showing ‘Aborting’

The main window was ‘operational’ but the bottom left hand was looping through a moving slider “Downloading…”

I then used the EQMod window to Park the mount, so I could at least cap the lenses & get some sleep…

Coming back @ 07:30 I found everything in the same state, but I found that I could at least, in the main window control boxes, turn off camera cooler etc. so all these buttons were active…

Another thing I noticed was that the ‘Telescope’ control applet was controllable, but not ‘mimicking’ the parked status I’d set earlier with the EQMod applet, but the EQMod applet correctly mimics state as set by SGPro…

Log snippet of time in question:

[03/23/20 02:45:08.778][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Collecting FITs headers…
[03/23/20 02:45:08.779][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] ASCOM Camera: Could not get last exposure start time. Reported as (unknown)
[03/23/20 02:45:08.780][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] DATE-LOC time provided by SGPro (failed to retrieve valid entry from camera)…
[03/23/20 02:48:07.245][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] Adding sequence level notification: (Untitled) Failure while integrating NGC 2403; Event 3; Frame 11 for 180s. Image has not downloaded in alloted time period.
[03/23/20 05:17:38.635][DEBUG][PHD2 Listener Thread][SQ;] Error: Guide star reported as lost!
[03/23/20 05:17:38.635][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] Adding sequence level notification: Guide star lost!
[03/23/20 05:17:38.660][DEBUG][PHD2 Listener Thread][SQ;] Sending Notification: Warning - Guide star lost!
[03/23/20 05:17:38.867][DEBUG][Guider Camera Thread][SQ;] Guide star was lost!
[03/23/20 05:17:38.867][DEBUG][Guider Camera Thread][SQ;] Aborting sequence: Guide star lost
[03/23/20 05:17:38.867][DEBUG][Guider Camera Thread][SQ;] Set sequence abort
[03/23/20 05:18:20.305][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] User requested sequence abort…
[03/23/20 05:18:20.305][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] Aborting sequence:
[03/23/20 05:18:20.305][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] Set sequence abort
[03/23/20 05:18:20.313][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] User elected to run end of sequence options!
[03/23/20 07:32:06.686][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] Turning camera cooler off…
[03/23/20 07:32:06.689][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] Turning camera cooler off…
[03/23/20 07:46:12.557][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] ASCOM Telescope: Unpark message received.
[03/23/20 07:46:12.656][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] ASCOM Telescope: Start tracking
[03/23/20 07:46:20.649][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][SQ;] SGM_TELESCOPE_PARK message received…
[03/23/20 07:46:20.649][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][SQ;PK;] ASCOM Telescope: Park message received.
[03/23/20 07:46:20.657][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][SQ;PK;] ASCOM Telescope: Sending park…
[03/23/20 07:46:21.096][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][SQ;PK;] ASCOM Telescope: Parked
[03/23/20 07:46:21.096][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][SQ;PK;] Attempting to stop PHD2 guiding…
[03/23/20 07:46:21.096][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][SQ;PK;] Checking PHD2 state…
[03/23/20 07:46:21.096][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][SQ;PK;] PHD2 GetPhdStatus - Pre-Wait : Stopped
[03/23/20 07:46:21.096][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][SQ;PK;] Sending to PHD2:
{“method”: “get_app_state”, “id”: 1001}

[03/23/20 07:46:21.205][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][SQ;PK;] PHD2 GetPhdStatus - Post-Wait: Stopped
[03/23/20 07:46:21.205][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][SQ;PK;] PHD2 Guider is already stopped.
[03/23/20 07:46:21.205][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][SQ;PK;] Autoguider (PHD2) stopped Successfully
[03/23/20 07:46:21.205][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][SQ;] SGM_TELESCOPE_PARK message complete…
[03/23/20 07:46:21.205][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][SQ;] Telescope thread is IDLE…

As an update, I’ve come back to find the system is in the same state, so attempted to start a new sequence, load an older sequence etc. but everything I try results in “A Sequence is currently running. Please stop the current sequence…” but How ?? as there is no Stop sequence button, that I can find …

So I’ve been forced to use Task Manager to kill SGPro.