Sequence window too large for lap top

Not infrequently the sequence window bottom drops off the bottom of my laptop as it has too as it is too large. IN other words, it has autofilled with more potential sequences that can fit on my screen. Thus, I can not hit the resume button on a sequence. How do I shrink this with out cancelling the entire setup. I have using Google for an answer and have failed.
thanks cjacobson

I have an answer to this problem. First I noticed that the W11 vs w10 screen format is intrinsically set larger than W10 such that the Icons or programs consume a larger portion of the available screen space no matter what the screen settings are. Thus things on the initial page of say my outlook emailer are off the page on W11 and on it with W10.
Using W11 the flat module runs off the bottom of my laptop and is unusable unless I do either one of two things; I can change the display to picture mode which works but is uncomfortable to use or better yet get rid of the task bar at the bottom of the screen. To do this Rt click the task bar and look for task bar behaviors. then click automatically hide the task bar. then there is room for the entire module. I can upload screen shots to show if anyone is interested.