Settling time

Hi all,

am I blind or there is no settling time setting after slewing/centering as there is after dithering?
Doing unguided needs a high settling time before starting an image to minimize eccentricity.


On Control Panel/Telescope, there is a mount settling time parameter on the lower left side above field to enter your scope FL.

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Been searching a lot and couldnt find it!
I already had 40s there but seems not to be working cause it starts imaging right after centering…

I’m not sure but I thought the settle time was applied during the centering process, after the slew but before the plate solve image was taken. This being so I would guess it assumes that the mount is settled prior to capturing the final (successful) platesolve image and thus immediately available to continue the sequence (i.e start imaging) once the centering process is completed. I will try to take a look at an old log-file to confirm this.

Hi Martin

I see this in an old log-file:

[02/10/21 18:40:23.714][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Telescope: Slew received J2000 coordinates, mount requires JNOW, converting…
[02/10/21 18:40:23.714][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Telescope: Slewing to JNOW RA: 4.093015301877 Dec: 50.890084970907
[02/10/21 18:40:24.812][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Scope reports it is done with synchronous slew, verifying…
[02/10/21 18:40:24.813][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Telescope: Telescope is reporting slewing
[02/10/21 18:40:25.815][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Telescope: Telescope is reporting slewing
[02/10/21 18:40:26.816][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Telescope: Telescope is reporting slewing
[02/10/21 18:40:27.817][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Telescope: Telescope is reporting slewing
[02/10/21 18:40:28.819][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Telescope: Telescope is reporting slewing
[02/10/21 18:40:29.820][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Telescope: Telescope is reporting slewing
[02/10/21 18:40:30.821][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Telescope: Telescope is reporting slewing
[02/10/21 18:40:31.822][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Telescope: Telescope is reporting slewing
[02/10/21 18:40:32.823][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Telescope: Slewing has completed

[02/10/21 18:40:32.823][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Telescope: Settling for 10 seconds

[02/10/21 18:40:38.705][DEBUG][Main Thread][CE;] PopulateDataModel: Transferring view to the data model…
[02/10/21 18:40:38.736][DEBUG][MF Update Thread][CE;] Performing serialize…
[02/10/21 18:40:42.824][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Telescope: Settling has completed
[02/10/21 18:40:42.824][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Auto center slew complete…
[02/10/21 18:40:42.824][DEBUG][Telescope Thread][CE;] Performing auto center step 4…

As you see, in my set-up I have a 10sec pause between the corrective slew and capture of a new plate-solve image. Assuming the new position is correct the mount should be tracking and guiding, so all set for capture of a new frame - no need for further settle time.

Hi Mike!
Thanks for your help!
I have checked my log file and apparently after slewing it is doing the settling altough I do not see any time counting when happening.

I just checked again when starting imaging my first target and there is no settling time counter.
Lets trust the log file…