I purchased this imager from Diffraction Limited who had acquired SBIG. They found some extra parts and built new units and I acquired one such camera. They set it up using their MaxIm LE software. Has always run flawlessly. Post Christmas this year, I attempted to use SGP to run the SBIG unit. My QSI Mono unit operates off SGP as well as MaxIm already. Could not get the SBIG unti to operate until I reloaded ASCOM as well as a Celestron Mount driver - however, the temperature control on the SBIG camera does not operate properly. I can access the menu on SGP and get the mini window to appear. It starts the cooling cycle but ignores my inputted limits and will not operate the warm-up or cease operations commands. Given potentail risks involving chip damage, this is a non starter. Unsuccessful in obtaining camera driver to date from Diff/LTD - any help offered would be deeply appreciated! Thanks - Frank P.
Not sure about the ASCOM driver. Most folks use the native implementation which will require getting the drivers through the SBIG Driver Checker
Honestly I wasn’t even aware that an ASCOM driver existed for the pre-DL cameras.
I believe the Aluma models require an ASCOM driver though.
thanks - I’ll give it a try - any other thoughts on temp control issue I cited?
I’d need a SGP log to look into it. But I’d definitely try the native driver route first.