SGP API doesn't work anymore

I’ve using SGP 3 for 2 years with a SBIG STXL-11002 and has been working fine until I installed NINA Sbig tracker. It is a similar driver to SGP API Guider.

I understand there could be some dll incompatibility, but the real problem is that, once NINA camera is installed, SGP API Guider get broken and there is no way to make it work again. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled everything without success, and it has happened to me on two computers so I think it is a common issue. Is there a way to get SGP API working again without formatting everything?

I have 2 PHD2 logs that show different errors. First one is with Nina Tracker installed and it says that system cannot find the specified file.

14:00:05.020 00.033 5024 CoCreateInstance: [80070002] El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado.
14:00:05.024 00.004 5024 ASCOM Camera: Could not get CLSID for camera SGP API Guider (ASCOM)
14:00:05.027 00.003 5024 Alert: Could not create ASCOM camera object. See the debug log for more information

After reinstalling SGP API Guider, error changes to:

14:03:04.432 00.024 2680 Alert: ASCOM driver problem: Connect: (ASCOM.SGP_API_Guider.Camera) Device is not connected

Both logs can be downloaded here: Dropbox - File Deleted

Thanks in advance

Hmm… Im not really sure, but I doubt it’s a DLL issue. Neither of these SBIG guider wrappers modifies any DLLs… they just use them. That error that you posted above is fairly typical when 32 / 64 bit incompatibilities are present. Did anything change with SGPro or driver installs?

Forget about DLLs, it was a guess on my own. I got a working 32bits SGP (64 bits doesn’t work with my Sbig) with SGP API guider and PHD2 working right. At the very moment you install NINA Tracker driver, the SGP API Guider doesn’t work anymore. It is curious that, after reinstalling SGP API Guider the log error changes. I have no idea how those two are incompatible. FYI, this is the NINA plugin Releases · ghilios/nina.ascom.sbig.tracker · GitHub.

I’ve tried SGP4 64 bits and it also doesn’t work