SGP Hangs on Startup


SGP fails to load, hangs on “Establishing Orbit…” after upgrading ASCOM platform to v7. Version, Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22631 build 22631.

Command shell window open …C:\Program Files\ASCOM\OmniSimulator\ascom.alpaca.simulators.exe

Below is the script output:
1/17/2025 11:34:57 AM [Information] - Minimising console window.
ASCOM Alpaca Simulators version 0.4.1-rc.1+1b155408f5c2114f0872fece25e125a030747d5c
1/17/2025 11:34:58 AM [Information] - ASCOM Alpaca Simulators version 0.4.1-rc.1+1b155408f5c2114f0872fece25e125a030747d5c
Running on: Microsoft Windows 10.0.22631.
1/17/2025 11:34:58 AM [Information] - Running on: Microsoft Windows 10.0.22631.
1/17/2025 11:34:58 AM [Information] - Camera 0 - UUID of ddb6eb52-722c-4d1c-9902-4753f03d1ed4
1/17/2025 11:34:58 AM [Information] - CoverCalibrator 0 - Starting initialisation
1/17/2025 11:34:58 AM [Information] - CoverCalibrator 0 - UUID of 6ead5651-ad9d-4f71-bd7f-7b8708e71fa0
1/17/2025 11:34:58 AM [Information] - CoverCalibrator 0 - Set calibrator timer to: 2000ms.
1/17/2025 11:34:58 AM [Information] - CoverCalibrator 0 - Set cover timer to: 5000ms.
1/17/2025 11:34:58 AM [Information] - CoverCalibrator 0 - Completed initialisation
1/17/2025 11:34:58 AM [Information] - Dome 0 - UUID of 91acc191-404d-46d3-9527-2e4e94c8234c
1/17/2025 11:34:59 AM [Information] - FilterWheel 0 - Starting initialization
1/17/2025 11:34:59 AM [Information] - FilterWheel 0 - UUID of 59a6bc10-0bcc-437a-b784-5173a4ad1c08
1/17/2025 11:34:59 AM [Information] - Focuser 0 - UUID of f0156c12-e6b3-41a4-bb36-32c1d2a52b02
1/17/2025 11:34:59 AM [Information] - ObservingConditions 0 - UUID of 557cc465-2a3d-425c-bc14-2b38744584b5
1/17/2025 11:34:59 AM [Information] - Rotator 0 - UUID of cc2c88e8-1304-41b9-a959-2577e3b92fca
1/17/2025 11:34:59 AM [Information] - SafetyMonitor 0 - UUID of 6bf26832-8c41-4d85-93c9-3c87bcdd17fc
1/17/2025 11:34:59 AM [Information] - Switch 0 - UUID of fb2021d1-ca4f-40ee-910b-f92904687e26
1/17/2025 11:35:00 AM [Information] - TelescopeHardware: Alignment mode 1: AltAz
1/17/2025 11:35:00 AM [Information] - TelescopeHardware New: Startup mode: Start up at simulator Default Position, Azimuth: 180, Altitude: 38.92139
1/17/2025 11:35:00 AM [Information] - TelescopeHardware New: Successfully initialised hardware
1/17/2025 11:35:00 AM [Information] - GetId: Generated new ID: 1
1/17/2025 11:35:00 AM [Information] - Telescope 0 - UUID of 62ea5847-748c-4ed3-81d0-46b1adef675f
1/17/2025 11:35:00 AM [Information] - New: Instance ID: 1, new: Driver ID: Alpaca Simulator
No startup url args detected, binding to saved server settings.
1/17/2025 11:35:00 AM [Information] - No startup url args detected, binding to saved server settings.
Startup URL args: --urls=http://:32323
1/17/2025 11:35:00 AM [Information] - Startup URL args: --urls=http://
Starting Discovery on port: 32227
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
Now listening on: http://[::]:32323
01/17/2025 11:35:07 [Information] - ASCOM Alpaca Simulators Starting Services
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Hosting environment: Production
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Content root path: C:\Program Files\ASCOM\OmniSimulator

Rebooted twice, same issue. NINA works fine. Thank you for your help.

Link to Logs

Useful Info

OS: Windows 11

There are lots of things going on when SGPro starts so we’d really need to take a look at logs showing the failed startup. We have some information here on how to get to logs when SGPro won’t open. In addition to that, we have kind of checklist of things you can try. If none of those things work, we’re glad to inspect the logs…