SGP Loses Track of Correct Filter

Hi Group,
My setup has been running fine. This is the first time I’ve seen this issue.
The target last night was NGC2359 Thor’s Helmet. It tracks just about straight overhead from east to west.

Prior to flip:
Only Ha subs were captured. Twenty (20) in all.
Lum is used for focusing.
Focusing (AFID 1-2 thru 5-1) was uneventful.

Post Flip:
All subs were OIII. Thirteen (13) in all.
The first autofocus (AFID 6-1) ran properly and the first OIII sub was captured.
All the rest of the focus routines required two (2) tries for success. That would be AFID 7-1 and 7-2, 8-1 and 8-2, etc. through 16-2.

It looks like in the cases 7-1, and on, the software believed that the Old Filter (or maybe New Filter) was the Ha rather than the OIII.
There is a 200 point difference where the last “good” focus stops and the next focus begins…every time. To SGP’s credit, she starts the next focus with the best point from the previous (failed) one. And that leads to success.

I think SGP is getting confused on which filter is in use and the offsets then sum up to the 200 pt. problem.

Of course, I could be wrong. I welcome any thoughts on this.

I’ve included the following in the DropBox attachment:
a) Last Ha sub and first OIII sub with their relevant info including date stamp.
b) SGP log for last night
c) PHD log for last night
d) SGP Program Sequence for last night
e) Screen shots of hopefully relevant events from SGP log file
f) Screen shot of the Filters and Offsets

Current Equipment and Software:
PHD2 2.6.10
Win 10

Meade 12”LX200 Classic deforked SCT scope
QHYCCD QHY294m mono cmos
SX Lodestar
Mitsuboshi OAG5
Atik EFW2 filter wheel
FT Shorty Focuser
Starizona MicroTouch
Starizona SCT corrector
Astronomik LRGB and 12nm Ha, OIII and SII filters

As a follow up, my mount is an iOptron CEM120 (non encoded).
