SGP Startup Video - revisited

Using, I created a video showing SGP automatically starting up, controlling PHD2 and running a sequence. It uses the Techsmith encoder (free decoder) that gives lossless video compression. The sequence progressed without issue for the next 6 hours. The site also has a video showing meridian flips and creating a sequence.

If Main Sequence want to use it in any way, they are very welcome.


Really well done. This shows everything I have been trying to explain to my imaging buddies who have been stubborn about abandoning MaximDL.


That is awesome buzz. I hope you share that around the forums.


Nice video! I have a very similar setup/workflow.

Off topic question, why do you use ASCOM hub to connect to theskyX? Any difference if using theSkyX directly from the chooser?



@jmtanous At one time, this was the recommendation by Software Bisque, to allow multiple ASCOM connections. It works for me and I have never bothered to try anything else although I believe that both the current and prior ASCOM driver for TheSkyX also allow multiple connections.

What I should do next, when it clear again is to a follow-up video - showing how quick it is to continue on a subsequent night with all the stored settings. It will be a very short video! … or I could try and do the same in Maxim DL for comparison.


I just watched the video… excellent job :thumbsup: thanks for posting it.


Was going to ask the same question as I just connect directly to the SkyX ascom driver with both SGP and PHD.

Good video as well.

Great video.


I’ve had some issues of late and so I dropped my SGP and PHD log files onto the forum. The general opinion was that EQMOD was playing up. I have an Avalon Mount which, if I’m right in thinking, uses the same hardware as a Skywatcher. Based on this info, I went down the road of using EQMOD to control the mount. I also have the Sky X. My question is, could I do away with EQMOD and use The SkyX to run my Avalon in SGP?

Many thanks,



First off, my apologies for not taking a look at this sooner. We were consumed with a few bugs, changing providers for our forum and preparing for the The Astro Imaging Channel presentation tomorrow.

This is absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much for taking the time to do it. We would definitely like to add this to our support page (with full credit) if that’s OK with you.



I can’t see this video, I have audio but no picture via windows media player. I took the plunge in buying this product but I’m struggling to get it working.

Any suggestions on how to watch this.

P.S I cannot watch it on the IPAD or my phone either.


Roger - you won’t be able to watch it on an iOS device. I wanted the screens to be very clear, so everyone could read the dialog entries. To do this I used a special encoder, released for PC and Mac.

To work it with windows media player (or Quicktime in windows), you need to go onto the Techsmith website (the link is on the web page next to the video) and install the free Techsmith decoder and reboot the PC. If you then download the AVI files, they should run OK. They do on my Win7 partition on my Mac.

If all else fails, I can make a fuzzy version in MOV if you want and put it on the website.

@Ken - no problem Ken - there is also a video on that webpage on Meridian flips in SGP, setting up a SGP sequence and resuming a SGP sequence, which you can also use if you require.

I might even do one on trying the same in Maxim DL , as a comparison.

Thanks Buzz

Watch it,

I have updated a number of videos on using SGP - still waiting for a solitary clear night to do the run-time ones and then the whole set will be up to date. I have changed the video format to MP4, so it now longer requires Quicktime and odd decoder plug-ins.