1.) Camera Cooling: SGPro does not control the cooler or fan. We only ask that the camera goes to a particular temperature. If your fan is always running, then you may have a defective cooler or you may be trying to cool beyond the capabilities of the camera.
2.) SharpSky Temp Reporting: Not sure. We have other users with Sharpsky focusers that do not report this issue. Please ensure your drivers are up to date. SGPro uses its own temperature compensation, please don’t confuse this with your ASCOM drivers internal implementation.
3.) iEQ45 is not compatible with the SGPro nudge panel. Please contact iOptron and ask them to implemtn the “Move()” method.
4.) Starry night pro uses “Slew()” to move the telescope, we chose to use a different method(). This is why you can move your mount in Starry nights with the nudge commands. There should be no problem with Park… we ask the POTH hub to park the mount and it should relay that to your iOptron driver.
5.) Not sure about your PHD issue.