SGPro 4.4 Backlog - Our Thoughts and Request for Community Input

A little background:
I take 40 - 50 fifteen-minute exposure with each of LRGBHa and sometimes SII and OIII, so it takes quite a while to get all the pictures for a given target. I usually have 4 or more targets in any sequence, and almost never finish a target before it’s no longer up at night. I currently have 5 active targets and 5 more I will work on when they are back up.

When a target is no longer in the sky, I do a “Save Sequence As” and give the new file the name of the no-longer-in-the-sky-target. In that sequence I delete all the other targets, then open the original sequence and delete the no-longer-in-the-sky-target.

When that target is back in the sky, I open its sequence file, do a screenshot of its RA, Dec, angle, and event info. I then open the sequence file I’m currently using and import the other sequence file. Because importing a sequence doesn’t import the event info I manually enter it from the screenshot.

Request 1:
Have the “import a sequence” action import everything including whether or not the “Slew to and center” check box is checked. I want those targets to be IDENTICAL to what’s in the imported sequence.

Request 2:
Not sure exactly what to ask for, but I’d like something to make the process of “archiving” and “un-archiving” targets easier. Having to do a “Save Sequence As” then delete some targets then delete the saved target then import 6 months later is a hassle.
One possibility would be to allow each target’s info to be in a separate file, and a sequence would logically be a list of target files. “Archiving” a target would simply be removing its file name from a sequence, and importing it back in would simply be adding the file name to the sequence.