SGPro Beta v4.1.0.714 stops at taking 1st sequence frame

I’d updated to Beta v4.1.0.714 (64bit) on Windows

  • I had previously prepared a sequence for taking 300 Light + 5 each Bias, Darks and Flats using a Red filter, using the Frame & Mosaic wizard.
  • I had manually positioned, auto-focused and plate solved near the target area, in conjunction with running PHD2 for guiding. All of which appeared to function as expected.
  • I then started the sequence running, at which point the application terminated for no obvious reason.
  • I restarted SGPro and tried to run the sequence again, since PHD2 had retained the correct positioning and was still guiding on target. Once again SGPro terminated as previously.

Herewith are two instances of the Log Files

I had previously been using Beta version v4.1.0.705 successfully, but on this occasion reverted to using v3.2.0.660 so as to complete my objective.

I’m fairly certain I have this fixed. The issue resulted from a failure to find the binning value for some events and then asking the camera to use an illegal value. Depending on the camera this can result in all sorts of odd behavior.

Also… just of note, SGPro has an issue reporting tool built in that will help you find logs and auto upload them. There is an icon in the toolbar or you can go to the Help menu.

Hi Ken,

I take it that you mean you have this fixed in the next Beta beyond v4.1.0.714, since that was the version I was using when the stoppage occurred?


I have this fixed in beta 715.

Great stuff, thanks Ken