Skyx observation list export to SGP

Will you guys implement this. It would be very useful. Here is a sample of the XML text file that SKYX produces for its target list to be used to import in SGP.


;ross Reference Label/Search Object Type RA Hours Dec Degree Magnitud Major Ax Minor Ax
;-------------- ------------------------------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- --------

Gamma Cygni Neb IC 1318 Nebula 20.3699992 +40.256667 30.00 50.00 50.00
Garnet Star Neb IC 1396 Open Cluster 21.6516669 +57.500002 3.50 90.00 90.00
The Scarecrow IC 1613 Irregular Galaxy 1.0817222 +2.133889 9.30 16.60 14.90
IC 1747 Planetary Nebula 1.9599444 +63.322779 12.00 0.32 0.32
Heart Nebula IC 1805 Open Cluster 2.5448333 +61.456942 6.50 20.00 20.00
Soul Nebula IC 1848 Open Cluster 2.8574167 +60.407224 6.50 18.00 18.00
IC 1888 Elliptical Galaxy 3.1822500 +41.137779 14.30 0.60 0.40
IC 2003 Planetary Nebula 3.9394446 +33.875556 11.40 0.32 0.32
Witch Head Nebu IC 2118 Bright Nebula 5.0691665 -7.250000 30.00 180.00 180.00

Can you send us the actual file and I can take a look. You can email it to

Thank you,

I sent this awhile back. Any luck in figuring it out? It would be nice to export from SkyX.


The work is complete, just hasn’t been pushed out yet. It will be in the next release.

Thank you,

You mentioned this work is complete and will be in the next release. Since, that response, 2 new releases have been released and the update for importing SKYX targets is not visible in the import area. Any idea where the completed work exists?


Both those releases were made prior to that comment:

There has not been a release since that comment was made. I expect it to be out in a week or so when some other things get finished up.


Ok…I have been getting update notices on my machine since that comment twice…We are upto which I see was released Feb 21st… Wierd… Anyway, I will wait and am looking forward to the update…
