Slew freezes with SGP and APCC

Hi everyone,

I am having some slew freezes going on with my AP900 mount, SGP and APCC.

Seems to happen more so during either the meridian flip or when recommencing from a recovery due to cloud etc.

The scope will start to slew, the large “Emergency Stop” square comes up, bu then the mount will stop and SGP will simply hang in “Slewing to target” mode.

If I then press the emergency stop button and then get it to restart this seems to go back to slewing but only sometimes.

Really odd!

Have the latest version of SGP and the AP V2 driver installed.

Just wondering if any other AP users have experienced this.?

Clear skies.

John K.

Hi John,

I know you said you are using the latest versions but would you mind posting the exact versions of APCC and the driver that you are using?



Hi Ray,

I am using V2 5.3.10 for the AP driver and for SGP.

Should I upload the log file for you?

Appreciate it.



Can you first tell me which version of APCC you are using? You didn’t provide the version for it.


Hi Ray,

I am using V for APCC.



That version is not even close to the latest version. You should update to the latest version because I believe there is a fix for the issue you are reporting. The latest version is


Thanks Ray,

I’ll install the latest version and give that a go.

Appreciate it.


Hi Ray,

With the latest versions installed, I have now run into a new problem. Mid way through a sequence SGP tried to unsuccessfully do a meridian flip and pretty much stops the scope. The scope scope does not go into recovery mode.

When I get things going again, and it’s time to do a meridian flip, it fails to do this. I have to ask SGP to centre to the object and then it does it.

Link to log below:

If you can please have a look at this. It may be something on APCC and the way it’s talking to SGP - I did ask APCC to do a positive meridian delay to flip earlier.

Look forward to comments.



APCC doesn’t know anything about a “recovery mode”. That sounds like an SGPro feature. If the scope failed to go into that mode then maybe you have something misconfigured in SGPro.

There have been changes to the functionality of the Meridian Limits since the version you were using. You should review APCC’s help and make sure you have configured the Meridian limits options correctly in APCC.

BTW, I can’t access your link. It says I have no access.


hi Ray,

I’ll review APCC.

I am attaching a new link for you which you can hopefully access.

Appreciate it.



Can you give me a hint where the telescope error is? The last part of the log shows some sort of PHD2 error (nothing to do with a telescope error):

[07/15/20 22:35:24.415][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] PHD2 GetPhdStatus - Post-Wait: Guiding
[07/15/20 22:35:24.415][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] PHD2: Requested unpause, but PHD2 reports it is not in a paused state
[07/15/20 22:35:24.415][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] EventMarker(171) - t:M16 Narrowband (0); e:1; f:10; o:
[07/15/20 22:35:24.415][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] PHD2 distance request…
[07/15/20 22:35:24.415][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] PHD2 distance request returned 5.4…
[07/15/20 22:35:24.416][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] EventMarker(8) - t:M16 Narrowband (0); e:1; f:10; o:
[07/15/20 22:35:24.416][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] BlockUntilFocuserMovementDone: Focuser reports it is done moving, continuing…
[07/15/20 22:35:24.442][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Set start frame data -> Pos: 7011; Temp: 25 …
[07/15/20 22:35:24.442][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Created base name for frame capture: Light_M16 Narrowband_1800sec_1x1_OIII_0011_amb_25.0C_-20C
[07/15/20 22:35:24.442][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Created directory for frame capture: D:\John Kazanas Data\VideoCapture\Deep Sky\AP900Tests\M16 Narrowband\M16 Narrowband
[07/15/20 22:35:24.444][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] EventMarker(9) - t:M16 Narrowband (0); e:1; f:10; o:
[07/15/20 22:35:24.444][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] EventMarker(10) - t:M16 Narrowband (0); e:1; f:10; o:
[07/15/20 22:35:24.444][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Finished sending frame capture. Entering wait mode…
[07/15/20 22:35:24.444][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] EventMarker(11) - t:M16 Narrowband (0); e:1; f:10; o:
[07/15/20 22:35:24.445][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] EventMarker(12) - t:M16 Narrowband (0); e:1; f:10; o:
[07/15/20 22:35:24.447][DEBUG][Camera Thread][SQ;] SGM_CAMERA_CAPTURE message received…
[07/15/20 22:35:24.448][DEBUG][Camera Thread][SQ;CC;] SetAscomNormalSpeed…
[07/15/20 22:35:24.448][DEBUG][Camera Thread][SQ;CC;] Cannot set readout speed, not supported by camera…
[07/15/20 22:35:24.452][DEBUG][Camera Thread][SQ;CC;] ASCOM Camera: exposure started, waiting…
[07/15/20 22:35:24.531][DEBUG][Auto Guider Error Thread][SQ;CC;] Frame restart: distance was 5.4(> 1.5) pixels
[07/15/20 22:35:24.531][DEBUG][Auto Guider Error Thread][SQ;CC;] Restarting Current frame because: Distance was 5.4 pixels
[07/15/20 22:35:24.566][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;CC;] EventMarker(13) - t:M16 Narrowband (0); e:1; f:10; o:
[07/15/20 22:35:48.457][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;CC;] PopulateDataModel: Transferring view to the data model…
[07/15/20 22:35:48.458][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;CC;] Performing serialize…
[07/15/20 22:36:22.236][DEBUG][PHD2 Listener Thread][SQ;CC;] Unknown object from PHD2: {“Event”:“ConfigurationChange”,“Timestamp”:1594816582.208,“Host”:“TOSHIBA355676”,“Inst”:1}
[07/15/20 22:36:22.387][DEBUG][PHD2 Listener Thread][SQ;CC;] Unknown object from PHD2: {“Event”:“ConfigurationChange”,“Timestamp”:1594816582.351,“Host”:“TOSHIBA355676”,“Inst”:1}
[07/15/20 22:36:22.538][DEBUG][PHD2 Listener Thread][SQ;CC;] Unknown object from PHD2: {“Event”:“ConfigurationChange”,“Timestamp”:1594816582.511,“Host”:“TOSHIBA355676”,“Inst”:1}


I found a reference to a failed meridan flip but it looks like something SGPro decided, not the ASCOM driver or APCC:

[07/15/20 22:25:36.128][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] EventMarker(2) - t:M16 Narrowband (0); e:1; f:10; o:
[07/15/20 22:25:36.128][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Checking if Meridian Flip is needed
[07/15/20 22:25:36.129][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Telescope is on the West side of the mount
[07/15/20 22:25:36.129][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Meridian Flip needed, Hour Angle >= Degrees Past To Flip: -9.85160416666659 >= -11
[07/15/20 22:25:36.129][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Running blocking meridian flip…
[07/15/20 22:25:36.129][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] Adding sequence level notification: Running automatic pier flip…
[07/15/20 22:25:36.131][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Sending Notification: Status - Running automatic pier flip…
[07/15/20 22:25:36.134][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] Adding sequence level notification: Cannot Run Meridian Flip:
-Telescope must be pointed across the meridian to pier flip.

[07/15/20 22:25:36.136][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] Sending Notification: Error - Cannot Run Meridian Flip:
-Telescope must be pointed across the meridian to pier flip.


Hi Ray,

I think it’s this one:

[07/15/20 22:25:36.127][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] ------------- Starting capture frame for event[1] -------------
[07/15/20 22:25:36.128][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Sending commands…
[07/15/20 22:25:36.128][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] SetFlatBox: Frame Type is Light
[07/15/20 22:25:36.128][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] EventMarker(2) - t:M16 Narrowband (0); e:1; f:10; o:
[07/15/20 22:25:36.128][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Checking if Meridian Flip is needed
[07/15/20 22:25:36.129][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Telescope is on the West side of the mount
[07/15/20 22:25:36.129][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Meridian Flip needed, Hour Angle >= Degrees Past To Flip: -9.85160416666659 >= -11
[07/15/20 22:25:36.129][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Running blocking meridian flip…
[07/15/20 22:25:36.129][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] Adding sequence level notification: Running automatic pier flip…
[07/15/20 22:25:36.131][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Sending Notification: Status - Running automatic pier flip…
[07/15/20 22:25:36.134][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] Adding sequence level notification: Cannot Run Meridian Flip:
-Telescope must be pointed across the meridian to pier flip.

[07/15/20 22:25:36.136][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] Sending Notification: Error - Cannot Run Meridian Flip:
-Telescope must be pointed across the meridian to pier flip.

[07/15/20 22:25:36.137][DEBUG][Main Thread][SQ;] Adding sequence level notification: Failed to complete automatic meridian flip, aborting sequence!
[07/15/20 22:25:36.139][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Sending Notification: Error - Failed to complete automatic meridian flip, aborting sequence!
[07/15/20 22:25:41.082][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Blocking Pier Flip: Failed to meridian flip, aborting sequence (False)
[07/15/20 22:25:41.082][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;] Aborting sequence: Failed to meridian flip

Hi Ray,

Just one more thing - I did not have Enable Meridian Tracking Limits checked in APCC. For tonight’s session I have checked this - screen shot attached - does that look right to you?

No, that’s not the way you should configure APCC. You do not want APCC to automatically flip the scope, which is what you have configured.

You might as well uncheck "Enable Meridian Tracking limits as you don’t have any defined. The mount will then flip the first time SGPro issues a slew after the meridian has been reached.
