Solve and center on issues

Last few nights I have for the first time used the automatic start and stop timer with slew to and senter on location checked. I can’t be sure that this is the reason or even related, but the solve and center on problems I have experienced these nights I have not seen in “manual mode”. I’ll describe them as best I can.

1: Upon arriving on a new target a solve is performed, and error off target is reported. A new sove frame is taken, but reports exactly the same error, hence no correction commands was sent to the mount. After three attempts the solve fails. If the error was not too large I have just moved on with the sequence. I have also tried to do a new center on manually, but with same result.

2: Upon arriving on a new target a solve is performed and error reported. But after the next frame, before the solve is performed, the process aborts and SGP continues the sequence with setting filter, etc etc. as if everything had gone well.

3: Upon arriving on a new target a solve is performed and error reported. The error was within acceptable limit (50pixls). Still a new solve was performed and then another one. All within 50 pixels and exactly same error. Still SGP reported that it could not center on target. This has only happened once.

This, together with the dome/scope sync problems already reported made me turn off all automatic start/stop and centering actions. As I recall from late last night center on worked as it is supposed to.
I’m using ASTAP as the solver.

Link to Logs

Useful Info

OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
.NET: 4.8

eqascom Maybe you have a system with EQASCOM (EQMOD) and every sync is added to the model. If the model is wrong it will never reach target. For those cases delete the model in EQMOD and set it to dialog mode.

That simply highlights the different way an ASCOM sync is processed. When in “dialog” mode a received sync does not a add new alignment point to the model but rather it is used to re-align the entire model model to the sync point by effectively applying a constant shift to all existing points. By comparison when in “append” mode an ASCOM Sync is used to actively change the current model by adding a new point. The user is free to switch between modes at any time depending on the sync function.

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