I am using SGP (V2.4.3.21) and PHD2 (V2.5.0dec7) for guiding.
When I start a sequence, I see a message in the bottom left-hand corner saying ‘Starting the auto guider, please wait…’ but it never seems to complete and therefore the sequence doesn’t begin.
I must be doing something wrong.
Is the server enabled in PHD2? (Tools: Enable Server)
Is the Windows Firewall blocking PHD2? (If your firewall is enabled, make sure there is an entry, and only one entry, for PHD2)
And, try using the very latest SGP version,… and the latest version of PHD2… dev9; I think there may have been a PHD2 related bug in SGP and an SGP related bug in PHD2 that just lately got cleared up.
(It’s a good thing that Andy gets along with Ken and Jared.)
Sporadically, I see the same behavior. I am running SGP and PHD2 2.6.5.
I will try to look through my notes to see if I have any additional information about the circumstances when this happens.